Imaginary Latvian Immigrant Family on the Lower East Side of New York

in the Cinemax series “The Knick” (2014), directed by Steven Soderbergh

Imaginary Latvians
Imaginary Latvians


CLEARY: Jesus, Speight. You’re sure it’s not you with the fucking tuberculosis.

SPEIGHT: Watch your mouth, Cleary. There’s plenty of other stretcher boys I can call for this.

SPEIGHT (cont’d): Health Inspector. Health Inspector. Open the door please.

SPEIGHT (cont’d): Mrs. Krawetz, we’re here to take you to the hospital. Do you understand? Hospital? (turns to Mr. Krawetz) Hospital. She has a disease and she must be taken out of here.

MR. KRAWETZ: Nesaprotu. Jete, kur tu esi?

SPEIGHT (cont’d): Christ alive, it’s like the Tower of Babel in these shitholes. Never the same language twice. Hospital!

GIRL: My father says he doesn’t want you taking my mother.

OFFICER SEARS: Well, I’m Officer Sears of the New York Police Department. And there’s a law that says we have to take her to someplace that will make her well. So she doesn’t get you sick, too.

MR. KRAWETZ: Ko viņš saka?

YETTA: Viņš ir inspektors un viņš ņems mammu kaut kur veseļoties.

MR. KRAWETZ: Tu viņam pasaki, kaimiņu arī viņi aizveda. Un tā viņš arī tur palika.

GIRL: My father says they took our neighbor and he never came back.

OFFICER SEARS: Oh, she’ll be back, and fit as a fiddle, you watch.

SPEIGHT: No windows, no ventilation, no sunlight inside or running water… Breeding ground for disease. That’s why the new laws were passed. I can compel you to make any and all structural changes to your property I deem necessary to protect the public.

BUILDING OWNER: That will cost a fortune. I’m a businessman.

SPEIGHT: Blame Lister’s microscope and Riis’s camera. The New York City Health Department is just doing its job. You own two more buildings on this block, don’t you?

BUILDING OWNER: Perhaps we can come to some other arrangement?

SPEIGHT: Perhaps we can.

BERTIE: It’s not good. The tuberculosis is pretty advanced. Her lungs are completely full of fluid. Fever of 104. Pulse is erratic. Her fingers are clubbing.

CORNELIA: Are you recommending a sanitarium stay?

BERTIE: She’s already on the other side of the hill, I’m afraid. I honestly don’t think she’ll make it through the week.

CORNELIA: Does she know?

BERTIE: She doesn’t speak English. Her daughter’s been interpreting for me.


BERTIE: Responsibility is to the patient, but there’s no rule that says we have to…

CORNELIA: Hello. May I ask your name?

GIRL: Yetta.

CORNELIA: Yetta. A beautiful name. Yetta, my name is Miss Robertson. I’m from the Social Welfare Office of the hospital. I need your help right now to explain something to your mother, all right?

CORNELIA (CONT’D): Please tell your mother that the doctor says her disease has made her very sick.

YETTA: Tu esi ļoti slima.

CORNELIA: She will not get better.

YETTA: Tev tikai paliks sliktāk.

CORNELIA: She will only get worse. But the hospital will do all it can to make her as comfortable as possible.

YETTA: Tev tikai paliks sliktāk. Bet slimnīca darīs visu, ko vara, lai Tev ir ērti.

CORNELIA: If there is anything she or your family needs, we are here to help you. Does she understand?

YETTA: Ja mums kaut ko vajag, viņi ir šeit, lai mums izpalīdzētu. Vai Tu saproti?

YETTA (cont’d): She understands.

CORNELIA: I’m so sorry.

MRS. KRAWETZ: Cik ir pulkstens?

YETTA: My mother wants to know what time it is.

BERTIE: It’s four-thirty.

YETTA: Ir puspieci.

MRS. KRAWETZ: Tev ir jāpasteidzas, jo Tu nokavēsi uz darbu.

YETTA: She says I should go, or else I’ll be late for my shift.

The Knick (2014-present), directed by Steven Soderbergh and featuring Aija Tērauda, Mārtiņš Straupe, and Lucy Jurevics

Imaginary Latvians encountered by Ingrīda Dornbrook

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